12global – Gigabit internet provider for Chicago area Category : Branding, Graphic Design, UI design, Web Design12global’s website started as a WordPress project, but was quickly redesigned for latest HTML5 code for fast loading times and...
Powercanister – Product campaigne Category : Art Direction, Branding, Graphic Design, UI design, UX, Web DesignMy latest work was designing the campaign for Powercanister, a neat invention/product featured on INDIEGOGO. New website design, Indiegogo campaign...
Media Kit Template for banner locations on websites Category : UI design, UX, WireframeWireframing for banner locations throughout a website.
Re-Branding Category : Art Direction, Branding, Logos, Mobile, UI design, UX, Web DesignLoadedCash is an affiliate platform for dating brands that provides tools and services for affiliates to grow their revenue. I...
Website Landing Page – BlackTryst Category : Branding, Graphic Design, Mobile, UI design, Web DesignBlackTryst.com is a niche dating website that needed a new landing page. The goal was to create a page that...
Various Mobile Game Concepts Category : Mobile, UI designWhile working at Gameloft in Toronto, I had the opportunity to create concepts for a number of projects. However, sometimes...
EPIC – The Game Category : UI designWorking at Gameloft I had to create the GUI interface and all related elements for the official game.
GUI Design – Texas Poker for Prizes Category : UI designAs a UI designer and artist at Gameloft Toronto, I designed a modern and simplistic interface and GUI for their...